With the advent of Navratri, Thrumyeyes Entertainment has started a campaign, Jai Devi Jai Janani wherein they welcome the goddess of joy Durga with Sheroes. Anjusha Chaughule is the brain behind the innovative campaign.
She firmly believes that women are meant to reach great heights and do exceptional things. Along with being a social activist, Anjusha is also an actor-director and a producer.
“With the launch of Jai Devi Jai Janani we are going to celebrate the victories of eminent women from across India with renewed optimism,” says Anjusha Chaughule.
The birthday of the queen of melody who has been ruling the hearts of millions of music lovers throughout the world will be celebrated by Thrumyeyes Entertainment.
On the special occasion of Navratri the birthday of the legendary Lata Mangeshkar will be celebrated with a lot of exuberance and ecstasy. The name Lata Mangeshkar is a known name in the nook and corner of every city and is been idolized for her contribution to the industry for more than three decades.
She is a true shero in every sense and she will be adorned and esteemed on this day as a part of the campaign. Not only this but the nine-day festival is entirely dedicated to Sheroes and all their achievements. The sole motto of the campaign is to inspire girls to trust their instinct and do what they love.
“Lata ji is a true role model for each one of us and it’s a pleasure to celebrate her birthday on the sacred occasion of Navratri. Every woman is a Shero in herself irrespective of whether she is a homemaker or a working woman. With Jai Devi Jai Janani we ought to make women realize their worth and love themselves no matter what,” adds Anjusha Chaughule.
Thrumyeyes is going to worship role models that inspired the world and dedicate a song to each one of them which be launched towards the end of this Navratri.